Sunday June 25th 2017- 3pm
Increase your Confidence, Will-Power and Self-Esteem: Exploring the third chakra.
Location: Yogaloft Queens Park
open to all levels
Every emotion and aspect of our personality can be connected and attributed to a different Energy Centre or Chakra in the body. When we see someone dear to us we might refer to our heart “brimming with love”, or if we feel unable to communicate we might describe having a “frog in the throat”. And when we talk about someone with determination and will power we might speak of the “Fire in their belly”.
Through Yoga we can learn how to harness this fire and bring about a more harmonious 3rd Chakra. Then we may begin to feel more confident, responsible, spontaneous, reliable, playful and experience a boost to our self-discipline, will-power, warmth and sense of humour.
This workshop will involve a short lecture and discussion in which you will learn about the 3rd Chakra and receive some specific techniques to improve confidence and will-power which you can continue to practice at home. James will follow this with a Hatha practice, which will leave you feeling ready to take on the world!
All levels are welcome to attend, from compete beginners who would like to work on improving common issues such as being low self-esteem, weak-willed or easily manipulated, to more advanced yogis who would like to delve deeper into the mysteries of Manipura Chakra.